Nostalgiakangas 18, TIMELESS TREASURES, "Family, home, love"
Etusivu > KANKAAT > KUVIOLLISET "AIHEKANKAAT" > Nostalgiakankaat
Nostalgiakangas, TIMELESS TREASURES, "Family, home, love"
100% puuvilla,
lev. n. 90 cm, kork. n. 112 cm
Laatikoiden tekstit:
- The heart of this home is the KITCHEN, the love is added to every recipe.
- Live simply, Laugh often, Love deeply.
- Enjoy life... it´s delicious.
- Bon Appetit
- Celebrate the Moments of life.
- Where life begins and love never ends love of the family is life´s greatest blessing FAMILY a family grows one smile at a time the love of the family makes life beautiful we will always be a part of each other.
- May your home be warm and our friends be many.
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